BRAND : Rotork
Rack and pinion actuators often offer the most economical solution for quarter-turn valves that have a fairly constant torque requirement throughout the stroke.
RH rack and pinion hydraulic actuators are engineered to operate ball, butterfly, plug and other quarter-turn valves for either on/off or modulating service. The heavy-duty construction and compact design make this product ideal for skid manufacturers as well as offshore and process applications which require robust yet space saving valve actuation solutions.
RH actuators are available in five body sizes to produce torque output up to 3,700 Nm (29,900 at operating pressures up to 250 bar (3,625 psi). They are available in either double-acting or spring-return configurations.
Rack and pinion actuators often offer the most economical solution for quarter-turn valves that have a fairly constant torque requirement throughout the stroke.
RH rack and pinion hydraulic actuators are engineered to operate ball, butterfly, plug and other quarter-turn valves for either on/off or modulating service. The heavy-duty construction and compact design make this product ideal for skid manufacturers as well as offshore and process applications which require robust yet space saving valve actuation solutions.
RH actuators are available in five body sizes to produce torque output up to 3,700 Nm (29,900 at operating pressures up to 250 bar (3,625 psi). They are available in either double-acting or spring-return configurations.
RH actuators are designed for some of the most challenging valve actuation applications on earth. They are an excellent choice for the demanding requirements and adverse conditions found in applications for mining and offshore. The balanced design has a very compact footprint for a given output. Output torque to 700,000 Nm (6,200,000 Units with output torque higher than 700,000 Nm (6,200,000 are available upon request.